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Are Divorce Records Public in California? 2025

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Quinn & Dworakowski LLP
By Quinn & Dworakowski LLP |

If you are planning to end your marriage, it is natural to worry about how your court proceedings might affect your personal and professional life, but are divorce records public in California? In most cases, yes, divorce records are public. The divorce process must be finalized in court, and the finalized order will be entered into the public record. However, there are some ways to maintain a level of privacy when it comes to resolving your divorce.

Understanding Court Records for Divorce in California

A divorce case unfolds in the family court system, and all courtroom proceedings are carefully recorded and entered into the public record. This is due to the understanding that any court case within a community has the potential to impact the community in various ways, so members of the public have the right to search through court records and view court case transcripts. This means that if you litigate your divorce, your proceedings will be public record.

It is natural to wish to keep your divorce as private as possible. This is a deeply personal issue, and it is possible for a divorce case to require extensive discussion of sensitive personal topics and matters that one or both spouses might prefer to keep out of the public eye. If you would prefer to keep as much of your divorce private as possible, it is important to understand how alternative dispute resolution could work for your divorce.

Keeping Divorce Private With Alternative Dispute Resolution

The most common way for a divorcing couple in California to keep their divorce proceedings private is by opting to resolve their case through alternative dispute resolution. Mediation is the most common form of alternative dispute resolution for divorce in California, and this unfolds with each of the spouses, their respective legal representatives, and a neutral third-party mediator. During their sessions, they will privately negotiate the terms of their divorce.

It is important to understand that not all issues in a divorce may be resolved privately. While the divorcing couple may be able to negotiate property division, alimony, and other aspects of their divorce, child custody, and child support may not be resolved privately. The court must ensure that these aspects of the divorce align with the best interests of the couple’s children. They can develop a proposal for a parenting plan, but a judge will need to approve it.

If the divorcing spouses are able to work through the issues they can through private mediation, then they will still need to have the divorce finalized in court. However, it means that all of their negotiations will be private. The only thing entered into the public record will be an official notice of the divorce. Many couples divorcing in California choose mediation not only for the privacy it affords but also for the expediency compared to litigation.

Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, can help you determine whether alternative dispute resolution is a viable option for resolving your divorce. We have successfully helped many past clients take advantage of the benefits of alternative dispute resolution and kept as much of their divorce negotiations as private as possible. If you are curious whether alternative dispute resolution could work for your divorce, reach out to our team and learn more about the legal services we offer.


Are All California Divorces Public?

Yes, all California divorces are public to the extent that divorce records are available for members of the public to search and view. It is possible for individuals divorcing in California to petition for certain levels of privacy, but when a divorce case is litigated, all court proceedings are recorded and entered into the public record. When a divorce is resolved privately, the final ruling will still be included in the public record.

Why Should I Consider Divorce Mediation?

You may want to consider divorce mediation if you would prefer to keep the details of your divorce private. While the final ruling on your divorce will be public record, the negotiations between you and your spouse during divorce mediation will remain confidential. Divorce mediation offers privacy along with many other benefits to both divorcing spouses, so it is worth considering if privacy is a concern for your divorce.

Can a Divorce Be Confidential in California?

Yes, it is possible for a divorce to be confidential in California, but this will not happen automatically. At least one of the spouses must petition the court to keep the divorce confidential. Both spouses may also jointly petition for the divorce to be confidential. However, in order for a judge to approve this, the petitioner or petitioners must make a strong case to show that their need for privacy outweighs the public interest in their divorce.

How Long Does It Take to Litigate Divorce in California?

The time required to litigate divorce in California depends on multiple factors. Every courtroom session will be recorded and publicly available, and the speed with which these proceedings unfold will vary from case to case. Some divorce litigation can take several months or even longer than a year to complete. By comparison, alternative dispute resolution is often completed far more quickly, sometimes within a few weeks to a few months.

Why Should I Hire a Divorce Attorney in California?

You should hire a divorce attorney in California to protect your financial interests and to have the greatest chance of accomplishing your goals for the divorce. They can help you make informed decisions, meet procedural deadlines, complete the financial disclosure process, and they can also help you take advantage of alternative dispute resolution if you wish to keep the details of your divorce as private as possible.

The attorneys at Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, are ready to help you navigate your divorce proceedings as efficiently as possible. We have years of proven experience helping our clients throughout California resolve difficult litigation and take advantage of alternative dispute resolution. If you wish to keep your divorce private, we can help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about the legal services we provide for divorce in California.

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