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Stephane Quinn

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Attorney Stephane Quinn is an experienced divorce and family law attorney and Certified Family Law Specialist (California Bar Board of Legal Specialization). As founding partner of Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, he focuses on fathers' rights, complex custody cases, and high-asset divorces. Admitted to the California Bar in 2010 (SBN #278188), he has been recognized as: Super Lawyers Rising Star (Since 2017) Cum laude graduate from California State University, Long Beach Juris Doctor from Fowler School of Law in Orange Fluent in French, Attorney Quinn aggressively protects clients' rights in Orange County family courts.


Domestic Partnership vs. Marriage in California: What is the Difference?

Families come in all shapes and sizes. While some families have children, others have pets or plants. Some couples are married, while others remain unmarried for most of their lives. The setup of a family…


How to Successfully Handle a Hague Convention Child Abduction Case?

Understanding the Hague Convention The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is an international treaty designed to ensure the prompt return of children who have been wrongfully removed from their habitual…


How Long Does the Family Law Appeals Process Take in California? 2025

It can be overwhelming and time-consuming to go through the family law appeals process alone. If you believe that your family law case was decided upon based on legal errors or mistakes, you may have…


Time Limits for Filing a Criminal Appeal in California (2025)

Appealing a criminal trial verdict carries the potential for overturning a guilty conviction. While the appeals process is a powerful remedy for addressing an unfair trial, missing a filing deadline could leave you ineligible for…


California Conviction Overturned on Appeal: What’s Next? 2025

When California’s criminal courts fail to provide defendants with a fair trial, the court of appeals offers one means for seeking a just outcome to a criminal case. Defendants and their legal counsel can petition…


Jail Time During an Appeal in California: What You Need to Know

If you were recently convicted of a crime or are preparing for trial, you may be wondering how jail time during an appeal in California works. The appeals process can take months or longer to…


Understanding the California Appellate Process for Criminal Cases (2025)

California’s criminal courts allow defendants to appeal verdicts under certain circumstances. One possible outcome of an appeal is an overturned verdict. Understanding the California appellate process for criminal cases is an important first step if…


10 Most Common Grounds to Appeal a Criminal Conviction in California (2025)

The right to a fair trial is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, and those protections extend to when a trial ends with a guilty verdict. If a defendant was not allowed to properly defend themselves…


How to File for Divorce in California When Both Parties Agree? 2025

Most people consider divorce to be an understandably contentious experience for the divorcing spouses, but the reality is that many divorces in California are uncontested. If you and your spouse are on the same page…


How to File for Divorce in California by Yourself? 2025

Deciding to end a marriage is always difficult, but the actual legal process of divorce is more challenging than many people expect. While you may want to know how to file for divorce in California…


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Quinn & Dworakowski LLP
Quinn & Dworakowski LLP