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Category Archives: Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense
Aug 29, 2024
Safeguarding Your Workplace: The Necessity of California Workplace Violence Restraining Orders

Workplace safety is a critical concern for employers across California. With the rising instances of workplace violence, it’s essential to take proactive measures to protect your employees. One of the most effective tools available is a Workplace Violence Restraining Order. This Order issued by the…

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Jun 24, 2024
California Restraining Orders – How to Get One & Fight One (2024)

Understanding California restraining orders is crucial for those seeking protection and those who need to defend against them. These legal tools are designed to prevent harassment, abuse, and threats, ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals. Types of Restraining Orders The court can grant one…

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Jun 21, 2024
Different Types of Restraining Orders in California (2024)

Restraining orders are crucial legal tools for safeguarding oneself against harassment, abuse, and threats. When facing such situations in California, being familiar with the different types of restraining orders in California can better equip you to protect yourself and know your rights. Understanding the specific…

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Jun 14, 2024
No-Contact Order vs. Restraining Order in California: What’s the Difference?

When navigating legal protections against harassment, abuse, or threats, understanding the difference between a no-contact order vs. a restraining order in California is crucial. Both orders serve to protect individuals, but they function differently and are issued under different circumstances. Knowing which type of order…

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