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Divorcing a Cheating Wife in California 2025 – What You Need to Know

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Quinn & Dworakowski LLP
By Quinn & Dworakowski LLP |

When you get married, you trust that your spouse is going to love, honor, and respect you during your marriage. You may strive to be as open and honest as possible while working to resolve any issues that arise. Unfortunately, not everyone adheres to those same values, and some partners are unfaithful. If you are divorcing a cheating wife in California in 2025, it is vital to have legal counsel you trust on your side.

If a wife cheats while she is married, then trust is broken, and she may choose to pursue a relationship with the affair partner. As a result, in many circumstances, the marriage will end in divorce. The divorce process is often challenging, regardless of the circumstances, but infidelity can make it even more emotional as you work to finalize agreements such as the division of property and spousal support. An experienced property division attorney from Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, can help you understand how your wife’s infidelity may impact your divorce.

The Divorce Process in California

When you make the decision to end a marriage in divorce, it can feel overwhelming. Lives that were previously tied together in nearly every way possible are being taken apart, which can take a great deal of time and attention. The divorce process in California consists of four main steps.

  1. File the Correct Papers: One spouse will have to file a petition with the courts to end the marriage. The other spouse will have an opportunity to respond. It is important to remember that being the party to file the divorce petition does not offer any advantage when it comes to your divorce proceedings. Neither spouse is viewed as the victim, as California resolves all divorce cases on a no-fault basis.
  2. Provide the Necessary Financial Information: The spouse who filed the initial paperwork will be required to provide all their financial information, including things like income, expenses, debts, and assets. If the other spouse files a response, they will also have to provide this information, but they are not required to respond.
  3. Make All Major Decisions: This is often the most difficult part of the process. Issues like child custody, asset division, and spousal support will need to be resolved before the divorce can be concluded. Some of these issues may be privately negotiated in alternative dispute resolution, but issues pertaining to child custody and child support cannot be resolved privately and will require a judge to decide.
  4. Get the Divorce Finalized: Once all the necessary decisions have been made, and an agreement has been reached, the divorce will be finalized by a judge. California requires the spouses to complete a mandatory waiting period after filing for divorce before the divorce can be finalized, but most divorce proceedings will exceed this waiting period, so the divorce can be finalized once all necessary items have been addressed.

This entire process will take at least six months, as California has a mandatory waiting period, but it could take much longer if there are any delays. One aspect of a divorce that could cause tension and delay the finalization is the division of assets, especially if one spouse cheated.

Some people mistakenly believe that if a spouse cheats or otherwise directly and intentionally causes the breakdown of a marriage, it will result in some type of penalty in divorce, such as disqualification from spousal support or a lesser share of marital assets. In California, it is not true, and while it may feel unfair if you are divorcing a cheating wife in California, the reality is that all divorces in the state are resolved on a no-fault basis.

Community Property in a California Divorce

California is a community property state, which means that all property and assets that the couple collected during their marriage, such as homes and stocks, are considered shared property. Prior to a divorce being finalized, both parties will have to agree on how their assets will be divided equally. If a wife cheats during the marriage, then her spouse may be much less willing to negotiate and resolve this issue. Unfortunately, cheating does not impact what a wife is entitled to during the divorce, so an unfaithful spouse is still entitled to half of all community property.

How Cheating Can Affect a Divorce in California

Cheating does not have an impact on property division in a California divorce and will have very little bearing on the outcome of the case overall. In addition to being a community property state, California is also a no-fault divorce state, which means that an individual filing for divorce is not required to provide a specific reason for ending their marriage. As devastating as it may be, cheating may only impact two areas: alimony and issues involving children.

  • Alimony or Spousal Support: If a spouse cheated, and it negatively impacted the other party’s mental health, then the unfaithful spouse could be responsible for their treatment. Alimony may also be lessened or terminated if a cheating spouse moves in with their new partner during the divorce.
  • Child Support and Custody Orders: When a parent cheats, it can put their children in unsafe situations. If it can be proven that a child was harmed as a direct result of their parent’s infidelity, it could negatively impact their custody, visitation, or child support orders.

It is a common misconception that if a spouse cheats, it will result in some type of penalty in divorce proceedings. This is not the case for most divorces resulting from infidelity, but there are situations in which issues related to the infidelity have a direct impact on divorce proceedings. Ultimately, any divorce can be extremely difficult to resolve, but this is especially true when a marriage ends because of infidelity, and you need legal counsel you trust on your side.

Benefits of Hiring an Attorney

Having the right attorney on your side allows you to approach your divorce proceedings with greater confidence and peace of mind. It can be very difficult to remain objective and make calculated decisions about different aspects of your divorce when you are reeling from the emotional impact of infidelity. If you are divorcing a cheating wife in California, you need an attorney who can provide compassionate and responsive legal counsel.

Your attorney can help you complete all filings with the family court and gather the documentation you will need for your financial disclosure statement. This is an important element of any divorce case in California as it is necessary to ensure a fair division of assets under California’s community property law.

Your attorney can also assist you in exploring alternative dispute resolution that may enable you to complete your divorce more quickly than litigation would allow. During alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation, the divorcing spouses meet privately to discuss terms for their divorce. A mediator can facilitate these discussions, answer general legal questions, and help the spouses develop the terms for their divorce order.

At Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, we understand the emotional impact of divorcing a cheating wife in California. It may feel unfair to realize that there are minimal legal penalties for this behavior when it comes to divorce, but if your ex-spouse’s behavior has negatively impacted your mental health or the well-being of your children, the right attorney can ensure they are held accountable, and the terms of your divorce order appropriately reflect these negative effects.


What Happens in a Divorce When a Spouse Cheats in California?

While infidelity is very painful and difficult to deal with, in reality, it does not have much of an impact on the divorce process in California. One party will file a Petition for Dissolution, assets and property will be divided, and all other major decisions will be finalized. One aspect of a divorce that cheating can impact is alimony/spousal support and child support payments, depending on the circumstances of the infidelity.

What Is a Cheating Wife Entitled to in a Divorce?

California is a no-fault divorce state, which means that the spouse filing for divorce does not have to give evidence for why the marriage is ending. It is also a community property state, which means that all assets and property that were gained during the marriage are divided equally between spouses during a divorce. These factors mean that, regardless of any unfaithfulness during a marriage, the cheating spouse is still entitled to their share of assets and property.

Does Cheating Affect a Divorce Settlement in California?

As a community property state, cheating has very little impact on a divorce settlement in California. All assets and property that were obtained during the marriage will be divided evenly between the spouses. In certain circumstances, however, infidelity can impact alimony payments if the cheating spouse moves in with their partner during the divorce. Cheating can also impact custody and child support, particularly if the child was put in danger due to infidelity.

Is Cheating Ever a Crime in California?

Adultery is not considered a criminal offense in California. Therefore, despite how much it can impact a marriage, it cannot carry any criminal penalties. There are, however, some circumstances that involve cheating that may also include criminal charges. If a spouse is unfaithful during their marriage and responds with violence when they are confronted about their cheating, then they are guilty of domestic violence. This can carry either misdemeanor or felony charges, depending on the severity of the violence.

Contact Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP

When your trust is broken in a marriage due to a partner being unfaithful, it can seem impossible to move on. The reality that you may have to split your assets and property with a cheating wife can seem unfathomable. An accomplished divorce attorney can work with you to ensure that the division of assets is as fair and equal as possible when your divorce is finalized. Contact the team at Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, for any divorce needs today.

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