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When Domestic Violence and Divorce Cross Paths in Orange County: Victims & Falsely Accused in Orange County

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Quinn & Dworakowski LLP
By Quinn & Dworakowski LLP |

If you are dealing with a domestic violence and divorce case in Orange County, you are likely feeling overwhelmed and unsure about which legal steps to take. Domestic violence can have a significant impact on divorce proceedings, with the potential to influence the outcome of decisions regarding aspects such as property division and child custody. Both victims & those falsely accused in Orange County can face serious legal challenges.

Understanding the existing legal landscape that dictates cases involving both domestic violence and divorce can empower involved parties to design and implement optimal legal strategies to drive positive case outcomes for their family. From understanding the impact that domestic violence can have on divorce proceedings to being aware of existing legal protections and resources, individuals can work to smoothly navigate their legal disputes.

Understanding the Impact That Domestic Violence Can Have on Divorce Proceedings

In Orange County and beyond, domestic violence can seriously influence divorce cases. The California courts will work to consider the safety and well-being of the parties involved first and foremost, especially considering the needs of children in the case. When determining child custody and visitation arrangements in particular, courts will consider the best interests of the child.

If domestic violence is a factor in your child custody dispute, it can seriously impact court custody and child support orders. According to California Family Code 3044, if a parent carried out any action that constitutes domestic violence within the last five years, it is not in the best interest of the child to be in the custody of that parent. However, there are certain situations in which this can be overturned by presenting strong evidence to rebut the presumption.

As California is a community property state, debts and assets that are accumulated during the marriage are generally divided equally among each of the divorcing parties. However, in cases of domestic violence, if the victim can show that such actions had a serious negative economic impact, this may lead to an unequal division of property, with extra assets being awarded to the victim. Victims of domestic violence may also be entitled to additional spousal support.

Resources and Legal Protections Available

In California, victims of domestic violence can pursue temporary or permanent restraining orders to protect themselves and other family members from experiencing further actions that constitute domestic violence. Furthermore, they may be entitled to certain resources from the California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB), such as mental health counseling, financial support for damages and lost income, as well as relocation expenses.

Individuals who are dealing with domestic violence allegations against them and navigating the divorce proceedings process can significantly benefit from working with an experienced domestic violence attorney. By gathering and presenting comprehensive evidence that counters statements or accusations made by the other party in the divorce, a skilled and experienced family lawyer can help support the accused individual’s case in court.

Financial and Emotional Consequences for Parties Involved in Complex Divorce Cases

Victims of domestic violence can suffer serious financial losses due to expenses for physical and mental health care, as well as lost wages from not being able to work. On the other hand, parties who are working to rebut domestic violence accusations can lose significant amounts of money through paying for legal representation, as well as through having their reputations negatively impacted.

As navigating the complex legal processes associated with divorce proceedings that have domestic violence involved can be not only financially toiling but also emotionally distressing, it is critical for victims and accused parties alike to seek emotional support.

Individuals on both sides of a domestic violence divorce case can look for emotional support from family, friends, and other support groups and organizations. Notably, by working with an experienced and skilled family law attorney, individuals involved in such cases can receive the legal support they need to effectively navigate complex bureaucratic and legal processes, ultimately providing them with peace of mind.


Q: What Is Marsy’s Law in Orange County?

A: The Victims’ Bill of Rights Act of 2008, otherwise known as Marsy’s Law, was designed to give specific rights to victims of crimes in Orange County and the rest of California. Under Marsy’s law, victims have the right to be notified of and present at subsequent court proceedings, the right to be heard in matters that involve the sentencing or release of the accused, as well as the right to seek restitution.

Q: How Much Compensation Do You Get for Being a Victim of a DV Crime in California?

A: In California, the amount of compensation that a victim of crime can get depends on a variety of factors, including the losses that the victim experienced and the specific details associated with the crime. The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) provides specific financial assistance, such as funds to cover associated dental and medical expenses.

Furthermore, they may also compensate for income loss, mental health counseling, relocation costs, and funeral and burial costs. The maximum compensation is $70,000.

Q: How Long Does It Take to Get DV Crime Victims Compensation in California?

A: The time it may take to get domestic violence crime victims compensation in the state of California varies depending on an individual’s case details. Applications typically take a couple of months to be processed, with influencing factors like the complexity of the case. By working with an experienced attorney, you can understand more precisely how long it may take to get compensation for your case.

Q: Can My Spouse Receive Child Custody if They’ve Been Convicted of Domestic Violence?

A: A domestic violence conviction may prevent your spouse from receiving child custody during divorce proceedings. California Family Code 3044 states that if a parent engaged in domestic violence in the past five years, placing a child in their custody would not be in the child’s best interest. However, this presumption is rebuttable. Your spouse may be able to present evidence convincing the court that it is in the best interest of the child for them to have custody.

Manage Your Complex Divorce/ Domestic Violence Case With an Experienced Attorney Today

If your divorce case involves allegations or proven instances of domestic violence, this can complicate legal processes, such as those regarding decisions about child custody and asset distribution. A skilled and dedicated domestic violence lawyer from Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, can address your concerns, evaluate your case details to help you design and implement an effective legal strategy, and achieve positive case outcomes for your family. Contact us today.

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