One of the most contentious issues in many modern divorce cases is property division. Divorcing spouses are required to split their marital property under state law, and each state has different rules for dividing marital property. California Family Code 2550 is the cornerstone of the property division law for divorce in California, and if you plan to divorce in the near future, it is vital to understand how this Code section applies to your case.
California handles property division in divorce using the community property rule, and California Family Code 2550 sets forth this requirement very clearly. When a couple chooses to divorce in California, all their marital assets must be evenly divided. This means each spouse will receive an equal share of the total value of their marital assets. This may require selling assets and dividing the proceeds or dividing assets to each spouse based on their value.
For example, if the couple shares a home, one spouse may take sole ownership of the home, and the other will receive compensation equal to half of the home’s value. Another solution could be to sell the home and evenly divide the proceeds between the spouses. Every divorce will entail unique considerations when it comes to property division under California Family Code 2550.
It is important for divorcing couples to remember that while community property law is quite strict, it is possible to have some control over the outcome of this aspect of your divorce. Some divorcing couples are willing to negotiate and compromise when it comes to property division through alternative dispute resolution. As long as their privately arranged terms comply with California Family Code 2550, a judge may approve them with minimal changes.
When spouses divorce in California, each must submit a complete and accurate financial disclosure statement to the court that outlines all their financial assets and liabilities. They must fully disclose all their bank records, investment account details, deeds, titles, and cryptocurrency holdings. They must also assert their rights over any separate property they control that they believe to be exempt from property division.
It is crucial to be truthful in your financial disclosure statement. If you discover that you have made an unintentional error or omission, you must notify the court immediately. If it is determined that you lied in your financial disclosure statement or attempted to hide assets to shield them from property division, you could face contempt of court, fines, and liability for your spouse’s legal fees.
The term “community property” refers to any income and assets the couple acquired or earned while they were married. “Separate property” refers to any asset that a spouse owned prior to their marriage. Separate property rights are relatively strict in California, only applying to inheritance received by one of the spouses, gifts given only to one spouse, and property they already owned prior to the marriage.
It is possible for separate property to later become marital property under certain conditions. If you are unsure whether a particular asset qualifies as separate or marital property, or if you have reason to believe your spouse has lied in their financial disclosure statement, it is crucial that you consult an experienced divorce lawyer as quickly as possible.
A: California Family Code 2550 is a cornerstone of the state’s community property law for divorce. This Code section stipulates that all community property in a divorce must be divided equally. This does not necessarily mean that every asset must be liquidated and the proceeds evenly divided between the spouses, though this is an option for resolving some property division disputes.
A: There are only a few exceptions to community property division in California, and these include the separate property of each of the spouses. This may include inheritance left only to one spouse or gifts given to only one spouse, along with any property one spouse brought into the marriage. However, all assets and property acquired during the course of the marriage would qualify as community property and would, therefore, be subject to division.
A: If your spouse attempts to hide assets in divorce, they can face serious penalties. Failing to provide a complete and accurate financial disclosure is grounds for contempt of court, and your spouse may face fines as well as liability for any additional legal fees you incurred to prove they had hidden assets. If you suspect that your spouse has hidden assets, you need to discuss this with your divorce attorney right away.
A: Yes, it is possible for separate property to become community property in a California divorce under certain conditions. If one spouse contributed to maintaining an asset, improved the value of an asset, or if the original owner transferred the asset to joint ownership, the asset becomes community property. For example, if one spouse contributed to renovating the other spouse’s home and increased the property value, it would likely qualify as community property.
A: You need an attorney to help resolve property division in divorce if you want to ensure the process is completed correctly and accurately. Additionally, if you have an attorney representing you, you will be properly prepared to address any unexpected issues you encounter with the property division and will be able to respond to such problems with confidence. Your attorney can also streamline your financial disclosure process.
The team at Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, has extensive professional experience handling legal counsel in divorce, and we can provide the guidance you need when it comes to understanding property division in your own divorce. It’s vital to have your questions answered as quickly as possible, so contact our team today if you have questions about California Family Code 2550 and schedule a consultation.