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California Family Code 4058

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California Family Code 4058 Attorney

Court cases that involve family, including divorce, spousal support, and child custody, can be stressful and emotionally draining. Navigating the intricacies of the court system can feel overwhelming if you are not familiar with what is required for your case. Understanding the regulations and rules associated with family law cases, like determining required child support, can help make your family law case easier.

California has put Family Codes in place that clearly outline what is required for various aspects of family law cases. Family Code 4058 determines what can be considered income when a child support agreement is being put in place. An experienced family law attorney from Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, can help you understand the details of Family Code 4058 and how child support will be determined.

What Is Child Support?

When parents decide to end their marriage, it is essential that the lives of their children are not impacted more than absolutely necessary. One way this is accomplished is through child support. This is a monthly amount of money that each parent will contribute to the well-being of their child. It will be used to cover things such as childcare costs, meeting basic needs, and ensuring a certain standard of living.

Both parents are responsible for supporting their child but, in most cases, the parent who does not have primary custody will have to pay the other parent a set amount of support each month. Many factors will be taken into consideration when a child support order is being put in place, but income is one of the most important.

Income Considered for Child Support in California

The gross income of each parent will be vital in determining how much they will have to contribute to supporting their child each month. The state of California established Family Code 4058 to outline what income can be considered when child support is being determined. The following are some of the most common things that are considered income in California child support cases.

  • Salary
  • Commission
  • Annuities
  • Workers’ compensation
  • Bonuses
  • Royalties
  • Interest
  • Rents
  • Dividends

Many other things can be considered income for a child support order, including taking into account the earning potential of each parent rather than the specific amount that they bring in each month. There are some things excluded from these calculations, including child support from previous relationships and income from eligible public assistance programs. Once the proper income is calculated, it will be put into a formula to determine the monthly amount of required child support.

How Child Support Is Calculated

There is a specific formula that is applied in each child support case to determine how much support is required each month. The formula is as follows:


The various aspects of this formula are:

  • The total net disposable income for both parents each month (TN)
  • How much time the higher-earning parent has custody of the child, by percentage (H%)
  • The monthly disposable income of the higher-earning parent (HN)
  • The combined total parental income that will be dedicated to child support (K)

The calculations for child support also consider factors such as:

  • How much childcare costs on a monthly basis
  • Any payroll deductions, like union dues or healthcare, that are taken each month
  • Tax deductions, such as mortgage interest that parents pay each month

This uniform formula helps create child support payments that are as fair as possible.

Minimum Child Support Requirements in California

Ensuring that a child’s needs are consistently met is the main goal of child support. To accomplish this, the courts will determine the minimum amount that must be dedicated to their care and well-being each month. That amount will be divided between the parents using the income share method. This takes into account how much money each parent makes and what percentage of the child support they can reasonably be responsible for.


Q: What Is FAM Code 4058?

A: California has put specific laws in place, called Family Codes, that determine how decisions will be made in family law cases. Family Code 4058 outlines what will and will not be classified as income for both parents while a child support agreement is being settled. This includes money earned from work, income properties, and certain types of government assistance benefits, such as social security and workers’ compensation.

Q: What Is the California Family Code Guideline for Child Support?

A: The guidelines for child support orders are uniform across the state of California. Both parents are responsible for maintaining their child’s well-being, which means that they will both contribute financially to supporting their child. To determine the contribution of each parent, their income will be taken into consideration when a child support order is being established. The court will also consider factors such as how much time the child spends with each parent.

Q: What Is the Minimum Child Support in California?

A: The California guidelines for establishing child support follow a specific formula to determine the minimum amount that is required for support. It takes into account certain expenses that parents will pay, including child care, gross income, payroll deductions, and more. All the considered factors are used in the formula to determine how much support the non-custodial parent will pay.

Q: How Much Is Child Support in California Per Child?

A: Child support is determined on a case-by-case basis, so there is no set amount of support. The amount of monthly support will be determined based on factors such as overall parental income, disposable income for each parent, and the overall costs of maintaining the child’s lifestyle. In most cases, the non-custodial parent is responsible for paying a percentage of the overall cost of supporting their child, depending on their average monthly income.

Trust Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, With Your Child Support Order

Establishing a child support order is an important step for parents who are navigating a divorce. The primary goal of the court in these cases is to ensure that the interests of the child are being taken into account and that the standard of living they are used to can be maintained. California uses a very specific formula to determine child support costs, and an experienced child support attorney can help you understand these calculations. Contact Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, today for your child support needs.

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