Taking on a family court case can be extremely stressful. However, your frustrations will likely only increase when the outcome doesn’t end in the way you had wished for. Unfortunately, these situations happen all the time, and when they do, you may be able to seek Fountain Valley family law appeals. However, keep in mind that the appeals process can be difficult, and you should only progress with the legal support and guidance of an attorney.
At Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, our attorneys have over 100 years of shared experience between them, representing individuals who face a wide range of family law cases, including situations of legal appeals. Before you even begin the complicated process of filing these appeals, it can be wise to speak with an experienced divorce lawyer who can better help you understand what you need to know when seeking an appeal for a California family court order or final judgment.
In California, an appeal allows individuals to seek the review of a family law court order or judgment by a higher court. These appeals target any legal errors that might have been made by the family courts in the original ruling. If there are legal mistakes present, an appeal may result in a complete and total reversal or a modification to the court’s original decision.
Your main goal should be to achieve an outcome that aligns with your original wishes in your family court case. Most often, these appeals are related to family law cases such as the following:
When a family court judge makes a determination on child custody, they will often take into account what they believe to be in the best interest of the child. When making this determination, there are several factors they will consider, including the age and health of the child, the connection the child has to their current school or community, and any history of abuse on the part of either parent.
There are four main steps in the appeals process in California. The first step is hiring an experienced lawyer who understands how this complicated process works. The second step is to sit down with your attorney and ensure you are eligible for an appeal. The third step is the actual filing of the appeal, which your attorney can assist you with. The final step involves preparing the record, the appeal, and your oral argument.
In order to seek an appeal for a family court ruling in California, you need to prove that a legal error or a number of legal mistakes were made during the initial court trial of your case and that these errors directly impact the final judgment of your case. Appeals do not involve any new evidence that might have been found for the first case after it was closed.
There are several grounds on which to seek an appeal in California, including any constitutional violations like the improper gathering of evidence, any misconduct made by the jury involved in the original case, any legal errors made during the case like miscommunicating instructions to the jury, and any misinterpretation or misapplication of laws pertaining to the case.
If you feel as though the final decision of a family court has left you in a place of disadvantage, you have the legal option to file an appeal or writ. However, it is vital that you only do so with the counsel and representation of an attorney, as these cases can be highly complex and challenging. At Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, we are here to do everything in our power to help you achieve the results you are hoping for. Contact our offices today.