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Irvine Cohabitation Agreement Lawyer

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Quinn & Dworakowski LLP

Irvine Cohabitation Agreement Attorney

Family dynamics have changed significantly in the past 50 years. While it was once commonplace to get married, many modern couples have decided to postpone or forgo marriage altogether. It is extremely common for couples to cohabitate without being legally married.

Even though times have changed, married couples still have advantages that unmarried couples do not. One of these advantages is the clarity surrounding their finances and legal matters. Many cohabiting couples are at risk because there is no legal precedent for what will happen to shared property in the event of a breakup.

Fortunately, a cohabitation agreement can help unmarried couples use the law to their advantage. These agreements can help protect both parties in the event of a breakup and ensure that any shared assets are split evenly. With the help of an Orange County family law attorney, you can create a cohabitation agreement that works for you.

Irvine Cohabitation Agreement Lawyer

Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP: Your Irvine Cohabitation Agreement Lawyers

Our firm has been working in family law for many decades. We are aware of the profound emotional toll that these cases can have on our clients, as they deal with the people and possessions that they hold most dear. We offer comprehensive, compassionate legal advice to help you navigate your cohabitation agreement in Irvine, CA.

We have seen hundreds of couples benefit from cohabitation agreements, which is why we have devoted a significant amount of time and effort to perfect the process. You can rely on us to create a cohabitation agreement that holds up in court, offers clear terms, and works for both parties. We are here to address any questions, concerns, or needs you may have about the process.

Cohabitation agreements are a niche area of the law, and many firms do not have the resources and experience to represent you. Our team is your best option for cohabitation agreement representation in Orange County.

What Is a Cohabitation Agreement?

A cohabitation agreement is a legal document that outlines what will happen if a cohabiting couple breaks up. This document can outline the plan for asset division, finances, child support, and other key issues that the couple will need to determine. Because there is no law in place for separation if the couple is not married, there is no standard procedure for how to untangle their lives. A cohabitation agreement makes this much easier.

Many people act out of character during breakups and divorces, even the most amicable couples. A cohabitation agreement allows a couple to make important decisions about their belongings while they are clear-headed rather than when they are emotional or hurt.

Why Do I Need a Cohabitation Attorney?

The law only outlines what should happen legally in the event of a divorce but makes no concession for cohabitating couples. This means that if you break up with your partner, you may not have the legal grounds to keep your portion of the home, bank accounts, and other assets.

However, if you come to a legal agreement with your partner about these things, you have legal protection if you separate. You can protect certain assets and rights by outlining them in a cohabitation agreement.

As with any legal agreement, it is imperative that a legal professional draft the contract. This ensures that it is legally binding and will hold up in a court of law, should it ever need to be used.

Considerations in a Cohabitation Agreement

There are a few major considerations that should be part of your cohabitation agreement. These terms are often significant points of contention if a cohabiting couple breaks up.

Considerations include:

  • Whether finances will be shared or kept separate
  • How payments to shared accounts will be done and by whom
  • Whether new purchases will be owned by one person or both
  • The process to divide assets if a breakup should occur

When you outline these factors in your cohabitation agreement, you are accounting for many of the scenarios that arise during breakups. This can help make the process easier and faster. It will also ensure that each person receives a fair portion of any shared property.


Q: What Qualifies as Cohabitation in Orange County, CA?

A: Cohabitation is a situation in which two people live together and are in a romantic partnership. Essentially, the two must behave and live as a married couple without being legally married. Roommates, partners who live outside of the home, or family members are not eligible and cannot create a legal cohabitation agreement.

Q: How Do You Prove Cohabitation in California?

A: You can use witness testimony, photos or social media posts, and official documents to prove habitation. For example, utility bills and other utility documents may help to determine that the two people live together, while photos of the two of you out on dates or traveling could help to determine that you are romantically involved. Witnesses like friends, colleagues, and family members can help add proof if necessary.

Q: Does California Recognize Cohabitation Laws?

A: A California court will recognize a cohabitation agreement if it is properly made and follows the law. However, unmarried, cohabiting couples do not have any automatic rights without a specific agreement in place. If you wish to protect certain assets or keep what is yours, you need a legal cohabitation agreement.

Q: What Is Proof of Cohabitation?

A: Proof of cohabitation shows the court that you and your partner are both living together and in a romantic relationship. If both criteria are not met, your cohabitation agreement is not legal. The court may ask for pictures, witness testimony, or other documents to prove that you both live together and are in a romantic relationship.

Contact Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP

If you are looking to create a cohabitation agreement, you need the help of attorneys who have direct experience in this area. Our team at Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, is happy to provide this as part of our comprehensive legal services.

To learn more about cohabitation agreements or how we can help you create one, contact Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP.

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