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Newport Beach Joint Custody of Children Lawyer

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Quinn & Dworakowski LLP

Newport Beach Joint Custody Determination Attorney

When two parents in Newport Beach make the decision to end their marriage, one of the most contentious issues that will be on the discussion table is child custody. There are a diverse number of arrangements that are designed to cater to different circumstances for each family entering this new phase of life. Working directly with a Newport Beach child custody attorney will help to clarify all the options that exist and ensure that the final custody decision is carefully made with the purest intentions for your child.

Newport Beach Joint Custody of Children Lawyer

What Is Joint Custody?

Joint custody refers to a post-divorce arrangement where both parents will be sharing the responsibility of making critical legal decisions on behalf of the child. For example, if a child is hurt and needs medical attention, both parents can have a say in what specific treatments are administered. Sometimes the concept of joint custody is broken down into two sub-categories called joint legal custody and joint physical custody. For example, one parent may be awarded the right to make legal decisions on the child’s behalf but is only able to see the child during scheduled visitation hours.

How Is Custody Determined?

The priorities of any child custody case are to ensure that the life of the child is not majorly disrupted while ensuring fairness among both adults who are legally separating. If the child is older than 14, they can state a preference for the custody arrangement. If they are under that age, there are other factors, such as the location of where both parents will live and how supportive a parent they are. If there are any reported instances of domestic violence, they will likely prevent that individual from having any type of formal custody arrangement. Rather, they may be limited to certain visitation hours while the other parent is granted sole custody.

What Is the Role of a Child Custody Lawyer in Joint Custody Cases?

A child custody lawyer ensures the safety of every child in a custody case and is at the forefront of the discussion at all times. They are professionally trained in California family law and will keep the case moving as efficiently as possible.

Some key responsibilities of the role include:

  • Become one of the family. An attorney will take so much time to get to know you and your situation that it will seem as if they have become a part of your family. They do this to make sure every decision they make operates on a comprehensive understanding of your case.
  • Gather all documentation. Most couples are so emotionally drained from divorcing that it becomes very likely a document could get lost in the shuffle and delay the entire proceedings. An attorney makes sure that does not happen. They are well aware of what needs to be done and when, keeping you on course until the finish line.
  • Custody lawyers are skilled in negotiations. It’s part of the job. It would be difficult for them to continually perform well in the role and keep bringing in new clients if they had a negative reputation for this. A skilled lawyer understands what incentives can help the parties come to a mutual agreement.

California Child Custody FAQs

Q: Can I Move Out of the State With My Child if I Was Awarded Joint Custody?

A: If you were awarded joint custody, it would be clear in the terms where you were approved to live. It is unlawful to pretend that you will live near the other parent and then change your mind after the official ruling. Of course, life happens. You may find yourself needing to relocate after the original custody arrangement was made. In that case, you must revisit the court and seek a modification of your arrangement. The judge will reexamine the circumstances and determine if your new living situation will work or require something different.

Q: What Happens if One Parent Does Not Follow the Joint Custody Order in California?

A: If one parent is not following the terms of the agreed-upon custody order, the other parent has grounds to file a motion of reinforcement. This will alert the other parent that there was a violation. If it is a first-time offense, they will likely just be offered a verbal warning and a confirmation that they fully understand the joint custody order. If they continue to violate the order, a larger modification of the agreement may be necessary to make sure the child is not feeling the brunt of the neglect.

Q: Are Grandparents Able to Request Custody or Visitation Rights?

A: Yes, there are certain circumstances where grandparents can legally request a visitation arrangement or even custody. To earn visitation rights as a grandparent, you must demonstrate that you have a pre-existing relationship with the grandchild. Custody rights may be awarded to the child’s grandparents if there is any trouble with the biological parents, such as being incarcerated or being deemed unfit by a legal entity. Even if the parents are unable to take care of the child, they can still pursue visitation rights to see their child from time to time with the supervision of the grandparents.

Q: How Can I Protect My Rights During a Joint Custody Dispute?

A: Aside from hiring an attorney, there are other things you can do to make sure your rights are protected. The first thing you want to do is document everything. From interactions with your child to larger ticket items like medical bills, you want to have hard proof that you are a great parent who has set yourself up for success to be awarded joint custody. This can go a long way in helping the courts see what a great job you have done parenting.

Contact Quinn Dworakowski Family Law Attorneys Today

If you are ready to explore joint custody as a potential option for your family unit, connect with Quinn Dworakowski Family Law Attorneys at your earliest convenience. We have been in the industry for many years and know what it takes to turn a case in your favor. Contact us today.

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