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Orange County Cohabitation Agreement Lawyer

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Quinn & Dworakowski LLP

Cohabitation Agreement Attorney in Orange County, CA

Orange County Cohabitation Agreement Lawyer

Cohabitation agreements fall under the non-marital sector of family law practice. However, they may still require the attention of a professional family law attorney. In fact, couples who live together but are not married often face many of the same issues when the time comes to separate; issues concerning the division of assets, property rights, and even child support. Without an established cohabitation agreement, it can be extremely difficult for some couples to separate amicably. In some cases, a conflict of interest can turn into a heated battle over assets that requires lengthy time in court. In order to avoid complications like this, some couples opt for a cohabitation agreement, which defines the rights and obligations of each party.

Establishing a cohabitation agreement in Orange County

Cohabitation agreements are well suited for couples who share money and/or property but who don’t want to get married. These agreements allow couples to establish how matters related to property purchased together, inheritances, personal assets, etc. will be handled in the event of a breakup.

Things to consider when creating a cohabitation agreement include:

  • Whether or not the couple will share income and expenses
  • How to manage shared bank accounts and credit cards
  • How assets will be divided if the couple separates
  • What process will be used to amicably resolve disputes during the breakup
  • How newly acquired assets will be owned/shared

The cohabitation agreement can include agreements concerning real estate, support payments, income, expenses, and liability for the debt. It can even address how to handle shared property in the event one cohabiting partner passes away. When a long-term relationship ends, the couple will need to divide the property they’ve accumulated together over the years. The easiest and most amicable way to do so is if a cohabitation agreement exists. With this document in place, the couple can avoid arguments over who gets what. The experienced attorneys at Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP can assist you in deciding whether a cohabitation agreement is right for you and your partner, and ensure that any such agreement provides the protection you need based upon the circumstances.

To discuss your cohabitation agreement concerns with an experienced California Cohabitation Agreement Attorney in Orange County, contact Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP today at (949) 660-1400.

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