Everything in life is subject to change. This can be especially true after a divorce, as the life you have been used to for so long has most likely suffered a drastic change in circumstances. If you have a certain change in your situation following a divorce, you have the power to seek a modification to the rulings of your final divorce decree. These can be complicated legal matters, however, so the help of an Orange County modification attorney can prove essential.
If you experience a change to your health, your child’s needs, your job, or your income, you may have grounds to modify your divorce decree. When seeking a modification in California, you need the assistance of a legal professional, as they can guide you through these complicated proceedings. A skilled family law attorney can help you obtain the modification you need. Then, your court orders can more accurately reflect your current situation.
When individuals pursue a modification to their finalized divorce decree, they are typically hoping for a change to the rulings on child support, child custody, or spousal support. When petitioning for this modification, the individual must prove how they have undergone a significant change in circumstances that warrants this modification. The courts will then analyze whether this modification is necessary.
The issues that often require a modification to a final divorce decree in Orange County include:
When seeking a modification to the orders regarding child or spousal support, you must prove a significant change in circumstances that warrants this change.
Examples of these changes in material status can include:
When modifying orders regarding child custody or visitation rights, you must show how your circumstances are different than they were at the time of the original decree. Changes can include:
Whatever type of modification you are seeking, it is imperative that you hire an experienced family law attorney who understands the unique laws involved in this process. At Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, we are prepared to serve your family.
At Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, our attorneys have over 30 years of experience handling family law cases in Orange County. Having a knowledgeable lawyer on your side during these circumstances can prove invaluable, as an attorney can accurately assess your situation and advocate for your needs and rights.
The attorneys at Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, have the experience and resources necessary to help you in the following ways when you are seeking a post-judgment divorce modification:
When seeking a modification to your final divorce decree in Orange County, there are a series of steps you need to take. The easiest way to do so is by hiring an attorney. They can assist you through each step, including:
Depending on the nature of the modification that is being sought, there are several ways in which to prove how your financial or material circumstances have changed enough to warrant a modification. You may be asked to provide:
In California, it can be difficult to estimate exactly how much an attorney might charge. When assisting you in seeking a modification to a final divorce decree, an attorney may need to pursue several court processes. The overall cost of an attorney’s fees will depend on the case’s complexity and the time it takes to resolve it.
In California, should your co-parent refuse the request for modification, your lawyer can take the necessary steps to bring the modification case before a judge. They can also represent you and your interests during any litigation. Your attorney can present the evidence necessary to prove your need for modification. Then, the judge will make a decision based on this evidence and what they deem is in the interest of the children involved.
In California, the time it takes to settle a post-judgment divorce modification depends on the factors involved in the case. These factors include:
If you need to modify any decisions in your Orange County final divorce decree, having the legal support and guidance of an attorney can prove vital to the outcome of your modification case. Contact the offices of Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP, to learn more.