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Quinn & Dworakowski LLP

Quinn & Dworakowski Is The Go-To Law Firm
If Your Family Law Case Is Headed To Trial


While the attorneys at Quinn & Dworakowski believe settlement of your family law case, on your terms, often makes the most sense, sometimes trial is the best option. The attorneys at Quinn & Dworakowski are experienced and skilled trial attorneys. In fact, the law firm has successfully tried 100’s of cases, including cases involving complex custody issues, as well as intricate business/financial matters involving forensic accounting and business valuation issues.

Our team of lawyers and staff is uniquely qualified to spring into action on your behalf and successfully litigate your family law case at trial. Often, clients come to us after recognizing that their prior attorney is not equipped to skillfully handle their matter through trial. We have established relationships with forensic accountants and valuation experts. If your spouse is hiding assets such as cryptocurrency, we have an experienced private investigator on our team. In custody matters, we regularly work with psychologists, child custody experts, and mediators. In sum, we have spent years working with the top experts in the field of family law, so that our clients gain every possible advantage.

We founded the law firm of Quinn & Dworakowski to offer the highest level of legal representation. Lawyering that is tailored to meet the client’s specific needs. Our clients depend on us to get them through what is likely the most difficult and challenging situation they may ever experience. We take this responsibility seriously; and we are up to the task.

Our core values are: compassion, commitment to excellence, and total dedication to the best possible result for our clients. And every person in this law firm, from our founding partners, to our most junior support staff, shares our philosophy.

We are fierce litigators with a proven track record of success. And while we believe it is often better to settle a case on our clients’ own terms, rather than having a judge decide, we do not shy away from litigation. Indeed, our more than 100 years of combined of legal experience includes success in over one hundred trials and thousands of hearings. We are well known for our litigation skills, and we have the awards, reviews, and satisfied clients to show for it.

We strive to provide outstanding representation. Indeed, we are driven by our relationships with our clients and achieving the best possible result in the client’s case. Our clients’ satisfaction is the measure of our success.

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Call (949) 660-1400 or click “Schedule Now” to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys
who can assist resolving your family law matter.

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